Cybersecurity Awareness Month CTF reversing challenge

October 26, 2024

This year I became aware of Cybersecurity Awareness Month CTF from HTB after it happened, but still managed to grab myself one of the reverse engineering challenges from the event called fryer, because why not?

Let’s see how the binary works:

$ ./fryer Please enter your recipe for frying: whataboutcookies? got: `e?ktuwciahoabotos` expected: `1_n3}f3br9Ty{_6_rHnf01fg_14rlbtB60tuarun0c_tr1y3` This recipe isn't right :(

Our binary expects an input, transforms it somehow and checks it against a fixed string. Let’s see how things look through gdb.

Calling disass main shows the overall shape of our main function. I’ve omitted parts that are not relevant to the challenge in order to focus on the important aspects of the code:

gef> disass main call 0x1090 <fgets@plt> # Reads our input ... mov rdi,rsp call 0x11b9 <fryer> # fryer function is called with our input ... lea rdi,[rip+0xd67] mov eax,0x0 call 0x1080 <printf@plt> # Prints the got/expected message mov rsi,rsp mov rdi,rbp call 0x10a0 <strcmp@plt> # Compares our transformed input with the expected string test eax,eax je 0x130a <main+200> # Sends us to success/failure path

So at this point I have a single question:

  1. How does the fryer function transforms our input?

Let’s inspect fryer

gef> disass fryer mov DWORD PTR [rip+0x2ea5],0x13377331 mov DWORD PTR [rip+0x2e9f],0x1 mov rdi,rbp call 0x555555555040 <strlen@plt> mov r12,rax cmp rax,0x1 jbe 0x555555555239 <fryer+128> lea r14,[rax-0x1] mov ebx,0x0 lea r13,[rip+0x2e7a] mov rdi,r13 call 0x555555555060 <rand_r@plt> cdqe mov rcx,r12 sub rcx,rbx mov edx,0x0 div rcx add edx,ebx movzx eax,BYTE PTR [rbp+rbx*1+0x0] movsxd rdx,edx add rdx,rbp movzx ecx,BYTE PTR [rdx] mov BYTE PTR [rbp+rbx*1+0x0],cl mov BYTE PTR [rdx],al add rbx,0x1 cmp rbx,r14 jne 0x555555555202 <fryer+73> # Back to mov rdi,r13

This looks complicated, but let’s break it down:

  1. Store the following values: 0x13377331 and 0x1
  2. Get the length of our input and store it in r12 through strlen
  3. Abort process if our input is a single character
  4. Store the length of our input minus one in r14
  5. Store 0 into ebx
  6. Store 0x13377331 in rdi and call rand_r with it.

This is where things start:

  1. Move r12 into rcx, which is the length of our input
  2. Subtract rbx from rcx, which is currently is zero
  3. Store zero into edx
  4. Call div on rcx, which sets the resulting value into rdx
  5. Add ebx and rdx

That div operation will divide our “random number” by the value we computed and keep the remainder, so we can think of it as the modulus operator for our purposes. We can visualize this entire process as:

input_len = input.length random_number = rand_r(0x13377331) value = (random_number % (input_len - 0)) + 0

Let’s keep going:

  1. Move [rbp+rbx*1+0x0] into eax, which is the first letter of our input
    • rbp points to our input and rbx is currently zero
  2. Add rdx to rbp, so now rdx points to a random place in our input
  3. Move a byte in that location to ecx
  4. Move that byte to [rbp+rbx*1+0x0], which is the first letter of our input
  5. Move eax, which was the original first character into the rdxposition

So we have:

temp = input[0] input[0] = input[rdx] # rdx is our "random value" input[rdx] = temp

Which means we just swap the value in these two positions. What next?

  1. Add 1 to rbx
  2. Compare it with r14, which is our input length minus one
  3. If the value is smaller, jump back to mov rdi,r13

So now we have the full picture of what is happening:

  1. Iterate over characters in our input
  2. Get a “random number” and compute an index with it
  3. Swap values from the current index with the computed index
  4. Stop when we reach the end of our input

Since we have access to the seed, we can reproduce what is happening. Let’s write a quick program in C to test our hypothesis:

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> void fryer(char *input) { size_t size = strlen(input); unsigned int seed = 0x13377331; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { unsigned int random_number = rand_r(&seed); size_t computed_index = (random_number % (size - i)) + i; char temp = input[i]; input[i] = input[computed_index]; input[computed_index] = temp; } } int main() { char input[48]; printf("Enter value: "); scanf("%s", input); fryer(input); printf("Shuffled input: %s\n", input); return 0; }

And running it with our original input yields:

$ ./test [Enter value: whataboutcookies? Shuffled input: e?ktuwciahoabotos

Which is the same output as our fryer binary!

At this point we know exactly what is happening, so how can we reverse this? Well, what do we know?

  1. rand_r is predictable since we always use the same seed
  2. We know the equation that computes indexes to be swapped
  3. We know swapping occurs from beginning to the end of our input

Given that, we can reverse the algorithm in the following way:

  1. Compute the list of indexes to be swapped
  2. Start from the end of our input and swap back our values
  3. Repeat until we get to the beginning of our input

Which gives us this:

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { char input[] = "1_n3}f3br9Ty{_6_rHnf01fg_14rlbtB60tuarun0c_tr1y3"; int length = strlen(input); int indexes[length - 1]; unsigned int seed = 0x13377331; // Compute our indexes ahead of time so we can backtrack for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) { indexes[i] = rand_r(&seed) % (length - i) + i; } // Now we start reverting the process from the end to the beginning for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { char temp = input[i]; input[i] = input[indexes[i]]; input[indexes[i]] = temp; } printf("%s\n", input); return 0; }

And after compiling the program, we get our flag!

$ ./test [HTB{4_truly_t3rr0r_fry1ng_funct10n_9b3ab6160f31}

So overall a straighforward challenge, but it was fun to only rely on gdb to solve it. This could have likely be solved with angr, but I couldn’t find a decent way of doing it, let me know if you do!

Bernardo de Araujo

Application Security Engineer @Stripe.

© Bernardo de Araujo 2024